Office Address

London's Air Ambulance Charity
5th Floor
77 Mansell Street
London E1 8AN

Helipad Address

London's Air Ambulance Charity
The Helipad
The Royal London Hospital
London E1 1BB

+44(0) 20 3023 3300

[email protected]

Contact us

Should you wish to get in touch with a query relating to fundraising or our lottery programme, please be assured our dedicated Supporter Care team are still on hand to assist you. The best way to get in touch is to call our Supporter Care number: 0203 023 3300 or to email: [email protected] and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible. 

If you are a member of the press and require further information, please contact Andy Frain, Media & Public Affairs Manager on [email protected] or 07973 948 519. The after-hours contact is 07884 378 261.

Get in touch

Keep in touch

Your support helps us to save lives in London. We’d love to keep you up to date with our latest news, fundraising activities, events and appeals.

I'm happy to be contacted by email

We may also contact you by post. If you do not wish to hear from us, or have a preferred contact method, simply let our friendly Supporter Care team know by calling 020 3023 3300 or emailing [email protected]   

*Please see our Privacy Statement for details of how we will use your personal information and keep it safe and secure. 



Patient Liaison

If you have been treated by London's Air Ambulance and would like to know more about the treatment you received or have unanswered questions, please contact:
Frank Chege, Patient Liaison Nurse
Email: [email protected]

If you are not a patient and there is anything you would like to enquire about, please get in touch using the form or contact information above.

Patient Questionnaire

We kindly ask you to fill out this questionnaire to help us improve our service. Your reply is anonymous and it is completely voluntary to respond. If you choose not to complete the questionnaire it will have no consequences for your care or your follow-up. It will only be used for anonymous analysis.

Patient Questionnaire


London, we still need you. Help keep us flying so we can carry on saving lives across London.
Help keep us flying so we can carry on saving lives.