Download your complete fundraising toolkit

Front cover of fundraising toolkitAs a charity we rely on public donations to keep serving the people of London. Your support keeps us flying so we want to be there to support your fundraising.

It may be that you have an idea of what you want to do but aren’t sure how to go about it, or you might simply want to support London’s Air Ambulance Charity and are uncertain of the best way to do it.

We have designed this fundraising toolkit to help you decide what to do and provide practical tips, advice and supporter stories so you can make the most of your fundraising, achieve your goals and, importantly, have fun while you do it.

None of the information you supply through this form will be used for any other reason than to support your fundraising and answer any questions. It will not be shared with third parties or used for marketing purposes. For more information please read our privacy policy

*We have regionally based fundraising support staff, so knowing the area you live in will enable us to make sure the correct person in our team can provide you with support if required.

Please use the box below to let us know how you are planning on fundraising or to ask us any questions:

London, we need you. Time is running out to replace your life-saving helicopters.
Time is running out to replace your life-saving helicopters.