Annual Review
Our Annual Review documents our key achievements and milestones from the previous financial year. Within, you’ll find comments from our CEO and chair, our key mission data, patient stories, highlights and more.
Read the 2022/23 Annual Review
For previous Annual Reviews, see below:
Annual Accounts
A copy of our latest audited accounts is available for download below:
For previous annual accounts, see below:
Investment Strategy
For every £1 we spend on raising funds, we generated £3 in income.
With the aim of doubling the income of the charity in the next five years to safeguard its future, we have made substantial investment in fundraising in the past year and will continue to invest in fundraising over the coming years.
For every pound of spending, 47p* was spent delivering our service and 53p went towards fundraising. This follows a strategic decision to invest significantly in growing individual giving (including lottery) over the coming years. This requires upfront funding to recruit new supporters to provide long-term, sustainable income.
Our Charitable Spending Ratio** as calculated by the charity Commission BETA version is 60% (2017/18 78%). This is calculated as charitable spending (including governance costs) as a percentage of our income available for charitable spending.
* The charitable costs of the clinical provision are not included within these figures.
** Calculated using the methodology published by the Charity Commission on the BETA version –
Our strategy
Every second of every day, London's Air Ambulance is here.
Our charity's mission is to save more lives in London through rapid response and cutting-edge care. Our strategy document Saving more lives details how we will achieve this over the next five years through the following five strategic goals.
Saving time – treating everyone who needs us, when and where they need us.
Outstanding care – to improve patient care and to end preventable deaths.
Connecting with the people of London – to increase the number of Londoners who engage with and support our service.
Funding our ambitions – to ensure our financial security and sustainability to fund our organisational objectives.
Our culture – continue to develop a supportive and enabling environment that gets the best out of our people.