19 Jun 2023

On 24 February 2020, cycling his usual Monday morning commute to work, Jordan was involved in a road traffic accident.
At 08:56, a member of the public called 999. At 09:04, after a second 999 call, more information was fed through and London’s Air Ambulance’s advanced trauma team was dispatched – it was feared Jordan was critically injured and did not have time to make it to hospital.
Arriving on scene at 09:12, London’s Air Ambulance's Lead Paramedic and Paramedic, Lynsey Grant and Dan Ballard, said: “When we arrived, Jordan was incredibly distressed, he was having to be held down by members of the public. It was clear he needed immediate medical attention and was showing many signs of a traumatic brain injury.”
Lynsey, Dan and the team performed life-saving interventions on scene. They placed Jordan into an induced coma – this is something only our crew can do on the roadside in London – to take control of his breathing, ensuring maximum delivery of oxygen to his brain as well protecting his airway.
Once stable, Jordan was transported to hospital where he was found to have sustained a severe traumatic brain injury and multiple facial and skull fractures. The clinicians treating Jordan gave him a 50 per cent chance of survival.
Just under a month later, Jordan woke up.
“I was under different sedations and drugs,” said Jordan. “I don’t remember the accident or the week prior to it and I only have a couple of memories from early on in hospital.
“I remember being taken out of bed and put on a seat, hearing Mum and Dad ask why I was like that and why I wasn’t responding to anything.”
With family and friends visiting daily, 10 days after waking up, Jordan started responding to commands, with nods of his head and attempts to write.
On the 3 April 2020, Jordan was discharged from hospital months earlier than anticipated, just as the global pandemic started. He continued his rehabilitation at his parent’s home in Burnley.
“That was really difficult for me,” said Jordan. “I spent all my life working hard at 100mph to get out of Burnley and do what I love for my job. I had grafted to get to where I was; loving the life I created for myself in London.
“Then all of a sudden, I was back in Burnley. All that progression halted, with no guarantee I would ever be able to get back to where I was.”
Using his previous life as motivation, Jordan worked hard at home, undertaking intense physiotherapy and speech and language therapy over zoom calls, due to the pandemic.
“Recovery was hard. It was like going through a restart. But we got through, my family and friends were brilliant pillars for me to lean on during the process. Everything was in place to help me recover.”
Slowly but surely, Jordan has made an outstanding recovery. “I’ve even bought a new bike!”
In 2022, two years on from his accident, Jordan raised over £5,000 for London’s Air Ambulance Charity on a sponsored 193 mile (310km) cycle, covering the length of Wales.
Supported by Hogarth, Jordan’s employer, Jordan cycled for three days, covering 5,096 metres of ascent, through wind, rain and many a herd of sheep.
“I’d never done anything like it before, I’m not a cyclist, I just commuted to work on a bike.”
“But I just thought, I’m still here. I still have my legs. I want to use them to thank the people who made sure I still have a life to live. To raise money for the charity.
“It was an unbelievable experience, one of the best things I have ever done. There were times of mixed emotions of course, but when my legs were on fire and I was doubting if I could do it, I would remember I was doing it for the charity. That brought a whole new meaning to it. Then you’d get to the top of the climb and I’d see my friends and colleagues and I would be hit with a huge wave of gratitude.”
Hogarth have created a short documentary to tell Jordan’s tale of immense dedication and recovery. Please watch it below:
“This is bigger than me, I just want to do good for the charity – raise money and spread awareness.”
This year, Jordan signed up to RideLondon for London’s Air Ambulance Charity. This ride took him on a loop through London and Essex, completing 100 miles in one day.
“When I met the paramedics who attended to me – Lynsey and Dan – it was very surreal. They were the people who worked on me in my time of need. I needed their special skills on scene, and they were there for me.”
Now, Jordan is back working for Hogarth and enjoying life back in London. “It’s been difficult to slow down, to adjust to a new pace of life – I still miss the old Jordan sometimes.
“But I also quite like this new, relaxed approach. I remain so grateful to be here, always.”
We are so happy Jordan has made such a miraculous recovery and look forward to following his cycling escapades into the future. If you haven’t already, please watch Hogarth’s film here.