1 Feb 2019

Picking up the pieces

In our 30 years saving lives our advanced medical trauma team have become world leaders in rapid response and cutting-edge pre-hospital care, and treat on average five critically injured people a day.

The care the team delivers by the roadside is usually only the beginning of a very long and difficult recovery journey for the patients and their families. Often the real trauma begins when patients and their loved ones get home and have to adjust to the new practicalities and emotions of lives that have been torn apart and have changed beyond recognition.

So, how do people pick up the pieces after trauma?

We have developed a series of podcasts that explores this question. Host Myleene Klass meets those who have been treated by our service and their loved ones to hear their story and how they have rebuilt their lives since. 

BONUS EPISODE - John & Steve: Crew Mental Health with Adam Kay

Release date 14 December 2020

John on the helipadIn this special episode, Adam Kay meets John, a doctor, and Steve, a paramedic, to hear how they process the trauma they witness on a daily basis. All three men are candid about their own experiences with mental health challenges, explaining the role both formal and informal debriefs play in voicing their struggles, as well as exploring how PTSD can manifest differently for different people.

You can listen to the podcast via any of the platforms below: 

iTunes     RSS     Spotify     Poketcasts    Tunein      Stitcher



Episode Four - Jakki and Laura: Bereavement

Release date 4 March 2019

Podcast episode threeIn this episode Myleene Klass meets the mothers of two teenage boys who sadly died in particularly traumatic circumstances. Jakki and Laura explain how they both dealt with having to say goodbye to their sons very differently, what others can say to help the grieving process, and why it’s important not to feel guilty about finding small joys in life after a bereavement.

You can listen to the podcast via any of the platforms below: 


    RSS     Spotify     Poketcasts     Tunein     Stitcher

Episode Three - Jo and Igor: Brain Injury

Release date 25 February 2019

Podcast episode threeIn this episode Myleene Klass explores how parenting changes when your child has a brain injury. Husband and wife Jo and Igor explain how they talk to their young son Sacha about his traumatic accident, how his brain injury continues to affect his development, and why they don’t always agree about how best to prepare him for life.


You can listen to the podcast via any of the platforms below: 


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Episode Two - Vicky and Ronke: Traumatic Amputation

Release date 18 February 2019

Picking up the pieces podcastIn this episode Myleene Klass talks to two women who both had a leg amputated after traumatic road collisions. Vicky and Ronke discuss their relationships with their new bodies, how loved ones and stunned strangers make them feel about their prosthetic limbs, and why re-living their accidents through the insurance claim process is so distressing.


DISCLAIMER: In this episode the word ‘accident’ is used a number of times. In Vicky and Ronke’s cases we should be calling them ‘crashes’ or collisions’, as they were preventable incidents. Click here to find out more about why the language we use is so important: http://www.roadpeace.org/take-action/crash-not-accident/

You can listen to the podcast via any of the platforms below:   


    RSS     Spotify     Poketcasts     Tunein     Stitcher

Episode One - Yair and Yael: Traumatic Pelvic Injury

Release date 11 February 2019

YairIn this episode Myleene Klass meets Yair, who was involved in a serious road collision, and his wife Yael. Together they explain what it’s like for both patients and their carers to lose their sense of identity, how best to cope with the practicalities of planning family life, and why honest communication plays such a big part in keeping a couple together during particularly trying months.

You can listen to the podcast via any of the platforms below:                                     


    RSS     Spotify     Poketcasts     Tunein     Stitcher


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