21 Sep 2023

12 memories of sudden and unexpected loss

In London’s Air Ambulance Charity’s new resource, 12 families have come together with their most pertinent and treasured memories of losing a loved one suddenly and unexpectedly.

This booklet – a one of its kind – is first and foremost a heartfelt tribute to each of the beautiful individuals who so tragically and cruelly lost their lives. It is through them and their wonderful families that we hope that this booklet will:

-    Be a guide and a solace to those who may find themselves having to navigate the painful path of sudden and unexpected loss
-    Provide a small glimpse to those who are not bereaved themselves but may be having to care for or support someone who is suddenly and unexpectedly bereaved. 

It is intended that this booklet is offered to anyone who might benefit from it, at a time that is right for them either as an individual, a family, a friend or as a professional. 

Death is often considered a taboo subject in society, but it is important to try and break this silence and engage in open discussion. It is only by talking openly about death that we can hope to promote understanding, uphold resolute compassion and prepare ourselves for the inevitable end of life. 

Our royal patron, Prince William, HRH The Prince of Wales, wrote the foreword the bereavement booklet. He said:

“No two experiences of bereavement are ever the same. The sudden and often unexpected loss of a loved one can be profoundly difficult to process, even with the passing of time.

“However, some solace can be found through the sharing of experience. The families who have contributed to this booklet have shared the most precious of memories, thoughts, and feelings. I would like to thank them for opening up and allowing us into their very personal journey.

“I hope that this booklet will provide some comfort and support, and that you might find it useful. For those reading this who are bereaved, and whose world is now very different, my thoughts are with you.”

We are so thankful to HRH The Prince of Wales for this personal and insightful contribution. 

As well as providing care in the very early minutes following injury and illness, London’s Air Ambulance Charity endeavours to provide support to patients and their families beyond this vital stage. Very sadly and despite the very best of efforts, some of our patients die and in so doing, their families find themselves in the inconceivably painful position of being suddenly and unexpectedly bereaved. 

We hope this booklet will be shared far and wide, to whoever may benefit from it. To download the booklet, please click here

In loving memory of Shaquan, Kevin, Ann, Chloe, Jim, Saffie, Dave, Joe, Sian, Lillian, Jas and Josh. May they rest in peace. 

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